Switch out your regular toothbrush for a bamboo one. I think a big part of trying to be eco-friendly is thinking about basic changes you can make in your life. It’s also realizing that when a lot of people make little changes, it really does have a big impact. Something as simple as a toothbrush can make an impact. This sustainability Sunday will be discussing the impact of plastic toothbrushes and why you should switch to bamboo! You might not know it, but your plastic toothbrush is directly impacting the plastic crisis. When you throw something away, it doesn’t always go into a magical landfill where it stays and disappears. Our trash (even on non-costal areas) ends up in oceans directly impacting wildlife and third world countries. Just in the U.S alone, a billion plastic toothbrushes will be thrown away every year, almost all of them being plastic. Although this number is already overwhelming, there’s more to it. Because plastic was made to be durable and last for long periods of time, every plastic toothbrush that has ever been created is still sitting in a landfill today. So, the question we need to be asking ourselves is “how can we change this?” The solution is the fastest growing plant in the world, bamboo! Although there are more than 1,000 species of bamboo, the average growth time for bamboo is up to 3 feet a day! Bamboo is also biodegradable and compostable, meaning it breaks down in a landfill or you can throw it in your compost bin! It really is the most eco-friendly solution in place of a plastic toothbrush. Below are affordable and sustainable bamboo toothbrush links that I love!! Once again, this is another example of how small actions from individuals can make lasting impacts. Option 1 Option 2 Sources for this article: Source 1 Source 2 Comments are closed.
Sustainability SundayIn this section of my blog, I share one thing you can do to make the earth a better place every Sunday. I believe that when individuals make even small changes, these changes can add up to have positive, lasting impacts. |